Basic Feng Shui Tips for Your Home Part 2

Welcome back. Let’s jump right into these basic feng shui tips we compiled for you. 

Fix the squeaky doors! Does your entry door squeak or wiggle when you open or close it? Remember the front door is referred to as mouth of the chi. It is the first and last thing you encounter when you come in and out of your house. The sounds of the squeaky door resembles the sound of crying and this can affect your well being and mood.  This applies to the rest of the doors in the house, as well.

Hang feel-good art. What you see when you walk in directly impacts your emotional state and sets the tone for your entire home. 

Windows symbolize your eyes to the world. So keep your windows clean. Best way to clean your windows is with some vinegar and water OR newspaper and windex is the best! You want to be able to see and experience everything the universe has to offer.

Focus on symmetry. Remember balanced layout equals balanced energy. So bedrooms should have equal access to the beds from both sides, the side tables and lamps do not have to match completely but will need to be similar in size and shape.

Living room

  • Living room contains the most energy in your home and it also encourages gatherings amongst family and friends.

  • Your living room should be bright and open with windows to allow natural light flow. Feng Shui encourages natural lighting. Mirrors also work to reflect light and make the room feel more open.  Do not allow the mirror to face the front door. If you don’t have large windows, try adding as much lighting as possible. 

  • Provide ample space in your living room. The area should not be filled with a lot furniture that prevents the flow of positive chi, also known as energy. Empty spaces ease movement within the room.

Dining Room

  • Maintain a balance of colors in your dining room, not too bright and not too dull.

  • Opt for a round or oval shape in choosing a dining table. This allows the chi to flow throughout a room. It also minimizes the distance of food items from any family members at the dinner table.    If you have a square or rectangular-shaped dining table you can make it work by balancing it with a round shape rug.

  • Throw away chipped and broken dinnerware. Your plates, glasses, and utensils need to be well maintained. 

  • A rounded bowl filled with rounded fruit, in the center of the table, is excellent feng shui; the more food you show, the more “richness of life” you possess. Flowers are also a lovely decoration. Yellow ones are ideal to enhance communication. Silk, paper, or plastic flowers are also fine. However, don’t use dried flowers because they represent decay and stagnation.

Home office 

  • Some basic feng shui principles to enhance productivity, creativity, and even your earnings. These tips will probably come in handy for the current working from the home situation for many. Try to keep your home office separate from your personal space. Even if it’s in your bedroom, see if you can section it off or add a partition.

  • If you have a separate room that is designated for your office space, keep your desk positioned in the center of the room facing the door so you can see anyone who enters your workspace. This is known as the power position and it signifies that you are asserting yourself as the powerful creator of your own life. 

  • A solid wall behind the desk is the best option, or if you have windows behind the desk, you can add curtains. This will add stability and keep the chi from flowing out the window. 

  • Keep it clutter free. Clutter can drain your energy. 

One last little tip we want to leave for you- Plants can contribute to positive feng shui in many ways. They can balance the water element, bring fortune or luck, purify the air, counteract negative energy, and help bring the outdoors in. Using the right plants may help balance the energy in your home to create an overall more positive atmosphere. Plants embody life energy, so it will add freshness and vitality to your home. 

We hope our tips can help kickstart your journey to a happier and healthier home. Thank you for watching our video, please don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe below.